The Roaring’ 1920s, also known as the golden age of North America, was a decade of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity brought about by the rise of rapid technological advancements across all industries. It was the introduction of automation, human-automation in the form of Henry Ford’s assembly line, and the spread of electricity which made mass production attainable across all industries that precipitated the vast economic boom enjoyed by all in the 1920s.
How to be a Swinging System Integrator in the Roarin’ 2020s
Ford’s assembly line was the first form of automation and enabled the rise of mass production in manufacturing throughout the 1920s. Now, 100 years later, economists and historians are optimistic that we are once again at the precipice of another decade that will be defined by a great technological revolution. The burgeoning spread of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and the advent of Artificial Intelligence are impacting every aspect of our modern world.
Systems integrators will have the historically important role of being the ones that will physically usher in this new era of automation and manufacturing advancement. It’s an opportunity as exciting as it is intimidating. So how exactly can systems integrators help push this movement into full swing?
“Having the mindset of an early adopter is the key,” says Brent McPhail, CEO of Brave Control Solutions. Cultivating new relationships and partnerships with technology manufacturers and vendors in order to stay up to date with the latest developments is one of the most important ways we as systems integrators can help bring the latest technological advancements to manufacturing end-users.
Continued education and training are also crucial components of being an early adopter. Keeping up to date with the rapidly-advancing current technology is an important first step, but staying up to date with the coinciding skills to operate this technology is just as important. Conferences like Manufacturing in America 2020 provide not only the opportunity to see the latest and greatest technology in person, but to receive training and learn about it directly from the wide variety of companies in attendance.
After all your networking, partnering, research and training, you might finally feel ready to get started implementing IIoT for your customers. But what if your customers aren’t ready? It’s 2020; they are ready. As systems integrators we are in the most opportune position; we are the crucial link between end-users and technology manufacturers. It is up to us to show them.
Brave Control Solutions’ first conversation about IIoT with one of their customers took place over two years ago. The project that proposed was only officially launched late last year. In the period between initial talks and the project launching, the technology and capabilities available had already evolved immensely. With an early adopter mindset, Brave didn’t sit on their hands. They continued to research and invest in their skillset so by the time their first customer was ready, they were prepared and in an even better position to integrate the right solution for the organization.
As experts in press room retrofits, Brave Control Solutions is currently implementing IIoT and data analytics capabilities into legacy hardware systems for our customers. What we choose to do as integrators in this next decade will literally transform the world as we know it. By diving in and adapting the early technology adopter mindset, getting our hands dirty by doing the research and training BEFORE the customers approach us to, we can help bring the latest technologies to end-users sooner and bring the roaring 2020’s into full swing.
This year, Brave Control Solutions will be very involved at Manufacturing in America. In addition to being a Lunch Sponsor at the event, you can check them out at:
- Booth #112
- Thursday (3/26) Seminar: BRA-1: Introducing Automation & Manufacturing to Offsite Modular Construction Facilities, from 1:00 – 1:50 pm.